From our previous LIS680 discussion encompassing Freire, Elmborg, and Gee, and in trying to keep up with the fast-paced classroom dialogue, what stuck with me was how loaded the word "literacy" can be and how the idea of "community" is much more diverse than even I imagined.
The idea of an online community is not foreign to me, in fact, I have a Facebook entity, a cautious one, but it's there. But the ways in which adults and YA's might interpret that will be unique to their needs, age, environment, etc. I am intrigued by the ways and means teens might seek out a community online.
By happy coincidence, I just found an article in YOUNG ADULT LIBRARY SERVICES magazine about how teens in a juvenile detention center are embarking on projects that will help their communities and using Second Life as a means to come together and brainstorm ideas on how they can change and challenge some of the bad things going on in their neighborhoods.
And I apologize in advance for such a bad picture quality. And I apparently am using a very old computer at work!
That's very interesting about juvenile detention centers using SL as a place to think about their own communities. Seems worthwhile to consider what SL as a community where people discuss the formation of other communities. What's the relationship btwn our online worlds and RL?